Friday, January 16, 2015

Student Teaching Week 1

Whoop Whoop: Student Teaching!!!!

It's Friday January 16th and I have just completed my first week of student teaching!!!  Woo hoo!  It feels great to be finally in the classroom, with students, doing what I love- teaching kids!

What have I done so far?
On Monday and Tuesday I was with 30 students, 3 adult chaperons, and my cooperative teacher on a trip to the FFA Mid-Winter Convention in Harrisburg, PA.  My previous blog talks more about the trip specifically.

Wednesday I picked up my first class, Animal & Veterinary Science, teaching dairy foods.  Day one outlined my classroom expectations/procedures and consequences.  Thursday and Friday delved into milk production.  It was a lot of fun!  

With three days under my belt of teaching, I can honestly say that I feel pretty comfortable teaching.  I am quickly finding out that I really enjoy it.  Being surrounded by students, motivated or not, is very enjoyable.  Especially with the high school's band being located next door and listening to music during my classes.

So far, all of the concerns I have had about my teaching, have been tossed out the window and I feel completely ready to tackle this semester!!  This is what I enjoy doing!! So why be nervous?

There are a few things I know I can focus on improving for next week.  First, I will need to speak a little louder.  To me, it feels like I am screaming, but to the people in the back of the room, not so much.  Secondly, paying closer attention to the time.  I get into the material so much I forget to check the time.  Thirdly, really grasping how to make the material appropriate for IEP students.  I thought through this very carefully prior to my lesson and at the end of it, I completely misjudged what I needed to do.  But have no fears, I know what I need to do for the rest of my classes.

Otherwise, I have been very satisfied with how my planning has been going. My lessons are going really well, students are getting the material, and they are participating!

Already my unique style of teaching has struck the students as surprising but they seem to be enjoying the integrated e-moments, the tasks that I have been giving them, and the higher levels of thinking.  

What's in the works for next week?
My Animal & Veterinary Science Class will continue to discuss Dairy Foods.  We will be covering the following topics:
 - Supply chain of milk from the bulk tank to the store.
 - Homogenization
 - Pasteurization 
 - Dissection of a cow's udder lab.
 - Milk Off-flavors lab
 - A quiz on milk production

I will be picking up the Introduction to Ag Careers & Leadership course starting with an International Agriculture Unit.  I'm really excited to kick off this particular class as I have lots of really cool, exciting activities and this is my most passionate subject in agriculture.  Next week we will be covering:
- Classroom Expectations/Procedures/Consequences
- The need for international Agricultural Awareness
- Geographical Regions of International Agriculture
    ~Students will be designing an informational bulletin board to be posted in the classroom

I'm really looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. Good Job Kate. Try to incorporate a photo or two into future blog posts if you can!

    and Remember, the opening three minutes and closing three minutes might be the most important times of a class. Check out this link from Edutopia:
