Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Practical Exercise - Mock Interviews with the School Superintendent

Life-It's so close!

Today, I completed a mock interview with the superintendent from Penns Manor High School.  It was a really good practical exercise for me to endure.  Complete with a curriculum vita, cover letter, sample letters, and a completed teaching application, I scurried down the hall to the district office.  Feelings of anxiety? Nah.  Feelings of nervousness? Nah.  Feelings of unpreparedness? Nah.  What feelings were there?  I simply felt curious to see what the experience was going to be like.

I handed my "potential employer" my copy of the cover letter, the curriculum vita, and my completed teaching application.  With a thorough review of the materials provided, the superintendent gave a prompt exclamation of satisfaction.  Hurray!!!! He was impressed.  I was feeling invincible!

Then the questions pursued.  Dun, dun, dun...what were they to be?  Honestly, none were so terrible as they could have been.  I was able to conjure intelligible responses, or at least so I thought.  Once the interview was over,  the superintendent went through each question with me and identified why each question was asked and what sort of response he was looking for.  It was incredibly helpful.

Too often I find myself falling into the trap of thinking "he's the superintendent, I am not good enough/important enough to ask for his time".  But experiences like this make me so glad I do!!!  This experience helped me identify two things.  First, that I need to quit being so afraid to ask people for their time.  Secondly, that I need to practice my responses to the questions that may be asked during an interview.  Or in other words, just learn what employers want to hear. 

I am looking forward to additional opportunities for practicing my interviewing skills.  

1 comment:

  1. Good job! Remember, you (or your program or your students) are as important as you make them to be!
