Teaching: More Than Just Classroom Instruction
Student Teaching this week has been vastly different than any other I've ever had. I got to experience several aspects of teaching that extend beyond classroom instruction. Some of it was enjoyable, some of it was rather boring. Yet, it was really good to be able to experience all the additional aspects of teaching.
What Has Happened
On Moday, Mopan Technical High School hosted the Primary School Examinations. These exams are for 8th graders who are preparing to enter into High School. The exams are part of the placement process for the students and are required for everyone to take. This means Mopan students had a holiday! I, on the other hand, sat through the exams as a moderator or "invigilator". The exams lasted from 8 am until 3 pm. There are two examination days. Monday was Day 1 for the students which consisted of English and Science. If I am going to be honest, I was beating my forehead against the wall with boredom. As an invigilator you may not do anything! Don't even breath!
I was also getting very frustrated. During the exams I was able to identify students who may have been considered special needs in the United States. Yet, here, there is no help for these students. Instead, it was obvious that they have learned to hide their disability if they have made it this far, and are struggling to succeed. It made me think about the role of special education instruction in public schools a little bit more.
Tuesday and Wednesday were relatively normal school days. The seniors were having presentations on the expectations of their CXC exams. These exams are their graduation requirements and exams that enable them to apply to further education.
Thursday and Friday were teacher workshop days. So the students also had holidays those two days. I spent Thursday working on my biodigestor project. Friday I chaperoned a group of students who are peer counselors for their school. That was pretty neat. I realized that I couldn't just take off and go exploring as I would in the student role, but rather I had to stay back and ensure all was safe. Kind of a weird thing for me.
Anyways, the week was good. I have two classes which are unruly. They are certainly a challenge to me and I find it difficult to teach. After speaking with Dr. Penados, We worked through a couple strategies to find a way to provide discipline which will allow me to provide that structure that is needed within the classroom. I really hate doing it but I have to go through with my consequences. I need to realize that by punishing them I am loving them rather than loving them by not punishing them. Ugh! It's so hard for me.