Problem Solving Approach
As American youth, students in the agricultural department will be instrumental in solving world problems. Many nations rely on the United States to resolve world issues such as hunger, spread of ebola, and global warming.Therefore, as an agricultural educator, it is my responsibility to develop students who are critical thinkers and problem solvers. In order to accomplish this, I can use the problem solving approach to help develop students who can make great contributions to society.
On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to put the problem solving approach into practice. While I still think my lesson plan was still pretty good, I have lots of room or improvement. First off, I need to figure out how to construct my case study so that it directs the students in identifying the problem. This time around, I basically told them what the problem was.
Additionally, I should keep in mind that it's a really good idea to have students who are being disruptive busy by assigning them in charge of keeping notes on the board, changing power point slides for me etc. I missed the perfect opportunity to demonstrate this concept during my teaching lab.
Overall, I believe that my lesson plans are getting significantly better. I don't sound as shaky and uncomfortable either. So I can see an improvement in the performance. But no worries, there is still lots of work to do!